Cryptography Basics

Dr. Greg Bernstein

February 15th, 2021

Cryptography Fundamentals


NCyTE: Applied Cryptography Module

  1. Symmetric Key Cryptography Presentation
  2. Public Key Cryptography Presentation
  3. Hash Function Presentation
  4. Digital Signatures Presentation


Learning Objectives 1

From NCyTE

  • Students will be able to define encryption, decryption, plaintext, ciphertext, and encryption/decryption key, and explain their use in cryptography.

  • Students will be able to describe attack scenarios against an encryption algorithm.

  • Students will be able to use early cipher methods such as a Caesar cipher or substitution cipher to encrypt/decrypt data “by hand”.

Learning Objectives 2

From NCyTE

  • Students will be able to identify commonly used algorithms for symmetric encryption.

  • Students will be able to explain the challenge of key distribution in symmetric key encryption.

Main Tenets of InfoSec

From NCyTE

  • Confidentiality
  • Integrity
  • Availability
  • Authenticity – How do we know where it came from
  • Non-repudiation


From NCyTE

  • Cryptography is “the practice and study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of adversaries” (Wikipedia)

  • It is the science of designing systems to store and transmit data in a secure way so that it preserves its integrity and is accessible to only those with proper authentication and authorization.

Cryptography and the Main Tenets of InfoSec

From NCyTE

  • Confidentiality: Encryption/decryption algorithms
  • Integrity: Hash functions
  • Authenticity: Digital signatures, digital certificates
  • Non-repudiation: Digital signatures, digital certificates


From NCyTE

  • Cryptanalysis: breaking cryptographic systems

  • Cryptography

    • Symmetric Algorithms (symmetric key)
    • Asymmetric Algorithms (public key)

Symmetric Key Cryptography

From NCyTE

Key Components in Symmetric Key Crypto 1

  • Plaintext: The message prior to encryption, after decryption
  • Sender: traditionally referred to as Alice (A)
  • Receiver: traditionally referred to as Bob (B)
  • Ciphertext: The message after encryption

Key Components in Symmetric Key Crypto 2

  • Key/Shared secret: Used in encryption/decryption
  • Encrypt: algorithm to turn plaintext into ciphertext
  • Decrypt: algorithm to turn ciphertext into plaintext

Caesar/Shift Cipher


Map each letter to a letter further in the alphabet by a fixed amount

Shift cipher block diagram

Python Implementation 1

Rotate a string or list of characters


def rotate(n, alist):
    """ Rotates a list/string by the integer n (less than the list length).
        Use this in the creation of Caesar/shift ciphers
    return alist[n:] + alist[:n] # Python list slice trick

print(rotate(4, alphaUpper)) # try it

Python Implementation 2

Create a character “map” based on rotated string

def createCMap(permList):
    """Creates a cipher map for simple encryption.
    The permList is a permuted string/list of uppercase letters.
    Returns a dictionary that can be used to map characters
    mapDict = {}
    for i, v in enumerate(alphaUpper):
        mapDict[v] = permList[i]
    return mapDict

cMapRot3 = createCMap(rotate(3, alphaUpper)) # try it
exLetter = "G"
print(f"The letter {exLetter} gets transformed into {cMapRot3[exLetter]}")

Python Implementation 3

Create function encrypt messages with cipher map

def encryptChars(plain, cipherMap):
    upMessage = plain.upper()
    cText = ""
    for char in upMessage:
        if char in alphaUpper: # Only encrypt uppercase characters
            cText += cipherMap[char]
            cText += char # leave spaces, puntuation, etc. alone
    return cText

# Try it       
ctext = encryptChars("Time to go Windsurfing", createCMap(rotate(6, alphaUpper)))
# Decipher it
tempText = encryptChars(ctext, createCMap(rotate(20, alphaUpper)))

Shift Cipher Examples

Challenge: decipher these messages!


Cryptanalysis of Shift Cipher

From NCyTE

Brute force approach: Try out all possible keys.

  • What is the key space? How many keys are there?
    • For an English alphabet, there are 26. (Why?)
  • Note that we assume here that the cryptanalyst knows the language that the original plaintext is in.

Brute Force Example 1


for i in range(0,26):
    text = encryptChars(ctext, createCMap(rotate(i, alphaUpper)))
    print(f"try {i+1} text: {text}")

Brute Force Example 2

Trying them all:

Brute force attack

Kerckhoffs’s Principle

From NCyTE

  • Auguste Kerckhoffs (1835-1903) Dutch linguist and cryptographer

  • A cryptosystem should be secure even if everything about the system, except the key, is public knowledge.

  • Contrast “Security by obscurity” with Kerckhoffs’s Principle.

Open design Principle

Saltzer and Schroeder 1975, from CyBOK Intro

The security of the control must not rely on the secrecy of how it operates, but only on well specified secrets or passwords. This principle underpins cyber security as a field of open study: it allows scholars, engineers, auditors, and regulators to examine how security controls operate to ensure their correctness, or identify flaws, without undermining their security. The opposite approach, often called ‘security by obscurity’, is fragile as it restricts who may audit a security control, and is ineffective against insider threats or controls that can be reverse engineered.

Cryptanalysis of a Cipher

Clearly state assumptions on what an attacker may have. Following Kerckhoffs’s Principle, we assume that the details of the algorithm used for encryption is known. Does the attacker have:

  • Ciphertext?
  • Pairs of plaintexts and ciphertexts?
  • The ability to choose any plaintext (and obtain the corresponding ciphertext) without knowledge of the key?
  • The ability to choose certain ciphertexts and get the corresponding plaintext without knowledge of the key?

Attack Scenarios on Ciphers

  • Ciphertext only attacks: The attacker has only ciphertext(s).
  • Known plaintext attacks: The attacker has ciphertext(s) and plaintext(s) for some of the ciphertexts.
  • Chosen plaintext attacks: The attacker has ciphertexts and can choose a limited number of plaintexts and compute corresponding ciphertexts.
  • Chosen ciphertext attacks: The attacker has the same ability as with chosen plaintext attacks, plus he/she can query a limited number of ciphertexts and get the plaintext for them.

System Model with Adversaries

From An Introduction to Cryptography:

Crypto System with Adversary

Substitution Cipher

Substitution Cipher Definition

  • In this cipher, each letter/character in the plaintext alphabet is substituted by a different letter/character in the ciphertext alphabet.

  • If the alphabet we are using for the plaintext and ciphertext are both letters in the English alphabet, then the substitution cipher substitutes each letter for a different letter. In this case, the key is a reordering of the letters in the alphabet.

  • For example, the key ZYXWVUTSRQPONMLKJIHGFEDCBA would mean A is mapped to Z, B is mapped to Y, etc.

Substitution Cipher Visualization

Substitution Cipher Diagram

Creating Random Substitutions with Python

We use the Python random standard library module

import random
randSub = random.sample(alphaUpper, len(alphaUpper))
print("".join(randSub)) # Join the list of characters into a string
randSub = random.sample(alphaUpper, len(alphaUpper))
print("".join(randSub)) # Join the list of characters into a string
randSub = random.sample(alphaUpper, len(alphaUpper))
print("".join(randSub)) # Join the list of characters into a string

Python Substitution Encryption

You use sherlockHolmes.txt or any text you like

randSub = random.sample(alphaUpper, len(alphaUpper))
# You can use any text that you want here
sherlock = open("sherlockHolmes.txt", "r", encoding="utf8")
book =
cBook = encryptChars(book, createCMap(randSub))

A Encrypted Book

A book encrypted with our substitution cipher:

encrypted book

Brute force Attack on Substitution Cipher

  • I will let you try this if you like…
  • But how many permutations of 26 letters are there?
  • Is 26! (26 factorial) a larger number?

Ciphertext only Attacks

Wikipedia: Letter Frequency

Letter Frequencies

Compute the Letter Frequencies of the Ciphertext 1

def sortedFreqs(text):
    freqs = {} # Set up a dict to track letter counts
    for char in alphaUpper:
        freqs[char] = 0
    for char in text: # Got through the text
        upper = char.upper()
        if upper in alphaUpper: # only consider letters
            freqs[upper] += 1
    letters = list(freqs.items()) # get dictionary as tuples
    letters.sort(key=lambda x: -x[1]) # Sort based on frequency
    return letters

Compute the Letter Frequencies of the Ciphertext 2

cCommonFreqs = sortedFreqs(cBook)
cMostCommon = [x[0] for x in cCommonFreqs]
# [('Y', 54972), ('X', 40545), ('I', 36147), ('K', 34868), ('T', 31241), ('S', 29701), ('D', 29589), ('P', 27943), ('O', 25710), ('W', 19065), ('F', 17634), ('U', 13605), ('J', 12151), ('C', 11555), ('Z', 11119), ('H', 9777), ('A', 9363), ('N', 8313), ('M', 7240), ('G', 6646), ('Q', 4568), ('V', 3685), ('L', 579), ('E', 545), ('B', 438), ('R', 153)]

Create the Inverse Substitution

def createDMap(sampFreq, actualFreq):
    """Creates a decipher map for simple decryption.
    sampFreq is a list/string of most frequent to least frequent letters seen in sample
    actualFreq is theoretical or known frequencies
    Returns a dictionary that can be used to decipher characters
    mapDict = {}
    for i, v in enumerate(sampFreq):
        mapDict[v] = actualFreq[i]
    return mapDict

# Use it to decrypt
dMap1 = createDMap(cMostCommon, mostCommon)
dbook1 = encryptChars(cBook, dMap1)

Decryption Result

Decryption attempt 1

What Went Wrong?

Compare Letter Frequency of Book to “Common”

# Check letter frequencies of the book
bookFreqs = sortedFreqs(book)
# Most frequent
bookCommon = [x[0] for x in bookFreqs]

Known Plaintext Attack

If we knew what book was being sent we would know the exact letter frequencies and use those to create our inverse substitution.

dMap2 = createDMap(cMostCommon, bookCommon)
dbook2 = encryptChars(cBook, dMap2) 

Known Plaintext Attack Result

Decryption Attempt 2

Chosen Plaintext Attack

Can we make our life easier with “special” plaintext?

special = ""
for i, v in enumerate(alphaUpper):
    special += (i+1)*v

Easy Frequency Analysis 1

Do you see another pattern here?

randSub2 = random.sample(alphaUpper, len(alphaUpper)) # New substitution
secretStuff = encryptChars("Do not ever use this cipher in real life!", createCMap(randSub2))
ctextSpecial = encryptChars(special, createCMap(randSub2))

Easy Frequency Analysis 2

Try it!

specialFreqs = sortedFreqs(special)
cSpecialFreqs = sortedFreqs(ctextSpecial)
dMapSpecial = createDMap([x[0] for x in cSpecialFreqs], [x[0] for x in specialFreqs])
print(encryptChars(secretStuff, dMapSpecial))

Take Aways

  • A Large key space doesn’t guarantee security
  • Crypto algorithms are subject to a wide variety of attacks
  • Only use well proven algorithms
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